Well, long story short, paleo is based on the diet of cavemen (paleo/paleolithic...get it?), which means nothing processed. This means no dairy, grains, sugar, or alcohol. I can understand the initial "AH!" response, because that is a whole lot to give up (the thing I miss most is dairy. I love milk and cheese like the Kardashians love the spotlight). Even having studied paleo for over two months now, I still run into things where I wonder if it is considered paleo. I use an app on my iPhone called Paleo Central that helps, but there are times where I wish it was more specific. Even this flowchart doesn't cover everything!

I do better when I am told, "You can have this and not that"...so if you are like me, then this list might help you! (it is pretty hard to read, and I apologize for that! This is the best version I could find of the picture)

I am sure I will find more pictures to help break it down, but basically if it is something processed, it's a no-no. It is definitely a full lifestyle change, and it takes commitment. Do you have to be paleo 24/7 to see results? No. I've heard a lot of people that kind of stick to the 80/20 rule (eating paleo 80 percent of the time). Obviously the better you are the more results you will see, but even my doctor told me to allow myself a little cheat now and then if I want it. She told me that I would be more likely to stick to it if I indulge from time to time. Sometimes I still get cravings, and you bet your sweet dollar I indulge in them occasionally. Krispy Kreme chocolate iced kreme-filled doughnuts, New York Pizza, and Bubblecake cupcakes are my favorites.
I will start compiling recipes soon! Stay tuned for some of my go-to paleo staples!
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