This one gets a bit of a complicated answer. Eating paleo when out at restaurants can be very tricky due to the lack of control you have over your meal. Having been a waitress before I try not to be too much of a pain when I am out eating, but at the same time I will not hesitate to make a reasonable request for the benefit of my health. I'm not going to sugarcoat it...dining out while on paleo can definitely be a challenge. That being said, there are ways to make it easier!
1. I always google the menu beforehand if possible! Even if you have been to a restaurant a bunch of times, check out their online menu (if they have one) and see what options are available. It helps to be prepared and go in knowing what you can have. Sometimes you will have some awesome options, and sometimes not. There is a Mexican restaurant in town that I simply LOVE. We go there fairly often, and the owner is incredibly accommodating. I always get a shrimp fajita (something that is not even on the menu), and instead of the guacamole, sour cream, and tortillas, I just ask for extra veggies and shrimp. And let me tell is ooooh so delicious! I don't feel jipped by any means because the fajita is just so dang scrumptious.
Now, some people may put up a paleo stink that the restaurant probably doesn't use olive oil for these fajitas...and in all honesty I would be surprised if they did! But going back to the fact that I used to be a waitress I don't want to be THAT customer who makes ridiculous demands. I love that little Mexican restaurant, and I want to maintain my reputation as the good tipper as opposed to developing a reputation of being a pain in the butt! I am not sure what oil they use, but I don't sweat it too much. I am confident that I made the best decision I could based on what was available to me. A big part of paleo, in my opinion, is knowing that it won't ALWAYS be possible to be perfectly paleo, and kind of accepting that. Some easy, go-to alternatives while you're dining out can be salad with oil and vinegar as a dressing or good ole grilled chicken.
2. Tell people you are on paleo! Sing it loud and sing it proud! It is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a lifestyle choice, and you should own it. When you make it known, people won't shy away from it. In fact, I have found that most people are very supportive! And if people have you over for a meal, 9 times out of 10 they will ask you what you can have so they know what to make! I don't like to be picky so I usually just say any kind of meat and vegetable. Either way, if you make it known that you are eating paleo, in my experience most people will do their best to help you stay that way!

3. Plan and prep. I can't stress that part enough. I work at a camp, and there are times where I may have to spend the night for a night or two at work. The night before I go I spend about 2-3 hours prepping my food for being away. It is a whoooole lot of work, but I know that if I eat the camp food I will feel like crud the whole time I am there. It takes time and dedication, but it is so worth it.

I believe that a big thing with paleo is doing the best you can with what you have available, and just knowing that you are making better choices and feeling good about that. For example, paleo really stresses organic fruits and veggies, but guess what...this girl works for a non-profit and just doesn't have enough money to pay that much more for organic! So I do the best with what I have because it is just so expensive. I would rather pay our electric bill than eat organic fruits and veggies. Priorities. One day in the future when money isn't so tight I would LOVE to buy organic, but right now I do the best with what is available to me, and I feel good about that decision.

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